The transfer of data
The introduction of the possibility of transferring data from non-profit studies for registration purposes has represented a real revolution in the field of academic research
Healthcare & Life sciences
The introduction of the possibility of transferring data from non-profit studies for registration purposes has represented a real revolution in the field of academic research
Patient Support Programs (PSP) are programs aimed at increasing patients’ compliance with a specific therapy and are increasingly delivered in a digital version, through software
With the creation of synthetic data, the last outpost of the materiality of personal data is overcome: a brief look at the opportunities and risks
Informed consent is as an expression of the individual’s right to self-determination and it plays a key role in the context of clinical trials. Generally,
The balance between the needs of scientific progress, the right to health and the right to the protection of personal data represents, today more than
The article analyses the news on the field of non-profit clinical trials after the adoption of the Ministerial Decree on Health 30/11/2021, implementing the so-called
In the last years, some former cancer communities have claimed for the right to be forgotten as a “patient” as the right not to disclose
The spread of Patient Support Programs (PSP) has challenged the proper allocation of privacy-related roles and responsibilities among the pharma company, the PSP provider and
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