We don’t promise what we can’t deliver, by not indulging clients with frivolous litigation or lawsuits clearly destined to fall through.
We explain any proposals and action plans and agreed to them with our client, so they can consciously assess the costs and benefits because professional accountability is the foremost guarantee for the client.
We always aim to satisfy our clients’ needs, convinced as we are that knowledge and learning intertwined, with a dash of craziness, will always allow us to come up with a solution even if at first glance the situation seems hopeless.
Our assistance involves professionalism, time and dedication. We charge professional fees at the applicable rates and pride ourselves on entering into transparent agreements with our clients.
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Avvocato Marco Ferrante
Ordine degli avvocati di Roma
Avv. Letizia Lombardi
Ordine degli avvocati di Roma
Dott. Commercialista Antonio Caiaffa
Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti
e degli Esperti Contabili di Roma